
Last Updated: Jun 17, 2024
documentation for the dotCMS Content Management System

dotCMS 2.5.2

Available: Dec 19, 2013


  • Fixed concurrency issues with the dotcms cache under load
  • OSGi Examples all use Gradle now for building. This makes deploying and building plugins much easier
  • Fixed the issue where modifying files in a theme could cause the theme to disappear
  • Improved the Upgrade from dotcms 1.9 to 2.5.2+
  • Fixed over 20 Push Publishing Issues

Things to know

  • If you delete your osgi-extra file the system will try to generate a new one for you. It will do nothing if you leave it alone


dotCMS 2.5.1

Available: Oct 21, 2013


  • Workflows will now Push Publish when Pushing a Structure
  • When Content is Pushed the Workflow will be maintained meaning you will be in the same step on the Receiving server
  • When Pushing Structures the Field Variable name is now used for Fields which is important when the inodes are different but the Field Variable is the same


  • Fixed multiple issues when using the Push Publish Actionlet associated with Workflow
  • The User-Agent is now set properly in the header when using dotCMS functionality like Site-Search, Timemachine etc..
  • Fixed an issue when adding binary imagines to Events
  • Fixed Push Publishing a Page when it contains a Working version of Content but no Live version
  • Fixed multiple JS Script Errors on Content Search Manager
  • Fixed issues when retrying a failed Bundle
  • Improved dotcms logic on flushing the cache which will improve the performance of the system
  • Fixed an issue when binary fields weren't being copied over when creating a new language of an existing content
  • A number of stability and performance tweaks mostly surrounding Push Publishing

Things to know

  • There is a small DB change that will happen on Upgrade. We do not typically do this in a patch release but needed to on this one


dotCMS 2.5

Available: Sep 23, 2013

New Features

Push Publishing for the following objects

  • Hosts
  • Folders
  • Files
  • Menu Links
  • HTML Pages
  • Templates
  • Containers
  • OSGI Bundles
  • Categories
  • Structures
  • Users
  • Push Publishing will figure out your dependencies. ie.. Folders,files etc.. under your host
  • You can build Bundles in the UI as your browse around the dotCMS. These Bundles can be uploaded into other dotCMS installs
  • For more info see

Overview of Fixes/Improvements

  • The Content REST API is much improved with new examples see
  • Content Search Manager UI/XP Improvements. Now includes a simple search over all content
  • Edit Mode now will keep the session alive after long periods of inactivity
  • Company Tooling is now a Configuration Tool. In the future this will be used for dotCMS Configuration in the UI
  • Updated our Twitter tooling so the newer authentication works
  • Improved the Authentication methods for the REST APIs. Can now use Header, BASIC, Form and Session authentication
  • Site Search now respects content on the System Host(All Hosts) see
  • XSS Viewtool added see
  • Special Characters not import better when importing Content. See
  • User Agents are now set when the dotCMS is rendering its own pages for its interal tooling. The possible agents match their functionality. The possible values are DOTCMS-SITESEARCH, DOTCMS-CMIS, DOTCMS-HTMLPAGEDIFF, DOTCMS-TIMEMACHINE, DOTCMS-BROWSER

Things to Know

  • Over 300 Bugs and Fixes have been made between 2.3 and 2.5
  • Lots of IE9 and IE10 issues addressed
  • Added a new configuration CONTENT_ESCAPE_HTML_TEXT which controls the escaping of special UTF8 characters when importing content and in the WYSIWYG Tool
  • If you have been running 2.5 master you may need to delete the data from the push
  • The Email Campaign manager and functionality has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Using filters instead of queries for performance (off by default).  You can set the property ELASTICSEARCH_USE_FILTERS_FOR_SEARCHING to true. This should improve the speed of searching for content (at times up to 60%). In 2.3 defaults to false but will be set to true in later versions
  • When using IE versions less then 9 with the dotCMS back end now requires the Google Chrome Frame
  • The new Javadoc is located at
  • To see a full list of the 590+ issues worked on, please on visit our issues on GitHub

dotCMS 2.3.2

Available: Jun 16, 2013

Overview of Fixes/Improvements

  • Addressed issues with pre 2.0 files in dotCMS
  • Addressed the issue where pages could be lost from CMS Maintenance Tooling
  • Addressed IE8 issues on login screen
  • Addressed Full Reindex issues where dotCMS wouldn't switch to the new index even though no content was left to index
  • Fixed the Random Sort in the ContentTool

Security Fixes

  • Removed some test JSPs
  • Locked down dotCMS Scripts under the JSP directory
  • Removed XSS from Login Screen
  • Addressed issues with DWR being too open
  • Fixed SQL Injection Issue


  • Changed the default for Clickstream. dotCMS now ships with it on by default

dotCMS 2.3.1

Available: May 9, 2013

Overview of Fixes/Improvements

  • Fixed the Windows issue when Downloading Data/Assets
  • Fixed an issue with Webdav where files could overwrite other files with like filenames

dotCMS 2.3

Available: May 6, 2013

New Features

Themes and Responsive Design

  • Themes provide a portable, sharable way to apply a common look and feel across a site or sites.
  • The included dotCMS starter site uses a theme based on Twitter’s Bootstrap for Responsive design, though any modern CSS/JS framework can be used.
  • dotCMS’s theme library provides starter themes for other major CSS frameworks (Foundation, YAML) and allows the community to contribute new themes.
  • Themes can be shared within a host and across hosts.
  • Available in the Community Edition

Template Designer

  • Allows users to create dotCMS templates without any knowledge of HTML code.
  • The Template Designer is used in conjunction with themes to apply a common, responsive look and feel across a site.
  • Preview your theme and template in mobile device resolutions.
  • Use an existing themes, create your own theme, or download a third party theme to create a new design template.
  • Available in the Community Edition

Automatic Link Checker

  • The new Link Checker workflow automatically checks links in WYSIWYG content before saving it, to avoid external link errors.
  • There is a new portlet called Broken Links that can run an external link check on all content structures and creates a report of all broken links. This process can be scheduled using a cron expression, which then sends an email with the link errors found to the content editors.
  • Available in the Enterprise Standard Edition

Time Machine / Static Snapshot

  • Time Machine allows a user to browse a snapshot of how a site has looked in the past or will look in the future (based on publish and expire dates).
  • The timemachine also allows a user to take a snapshot, or static copy, of selected hosts and save it as a "bundle" in dotCMS. This bundle can then be used to run a static copy of your sites on a non-dotCMS web server. Multiple snapshots can be taken for any dotCMS managed host.
  • Available in the Enterprise Standard Edition

Scheduled Publishing

  • Users can assign Publish dates and Expire dates to content structure which would automatically publish or expire content based on those dates.
  • Available in the Enterprise Professional Edition

Dynamic Plugins get more Powerful

  • Hot deploy portlets/admin tools in the backend of dotCMS.
  • Added the ability to deploy Quartz/Cron Jobs.
  • The extra packages can now be deployed from the UI.
  • New Examples on deploying your own Spring version and complete with Spring Web Services.
  • urlReWrite (tuckey) Filters can now be deployed from Dynamic Plugins.
  • Available in the Community Edition

New Navigation Tool

  • dotCMS ships with a developer friendly way to develop custom menus, crumbtrails and sitemaps with your own HTML and styles. This tool will build a navigation given a path and return a list of items.  
  • Available in the Community Edition

Wiki Tool

  • The new WikiTool allows dotCMS to parse wiki formated from 3rd party wiki sources like TWiki, Markdown, MediaWiki, Confluence
  • Available in the Community Edition

Remote Publishing - BETA

  • 2.3 introduces a new Remote Publishing framework which will enable remote publishing with an easy to use interface.  
  • Publish content, pages and even whole sites to one or more dotCMS server or dotCMS clusters that can be geographically distributed.
  • Remote Publishing is beta functionality that will be supported for Enterprise customers in the 2.3 version and will be finalized in the next dotCMS release.
  • Available in the Enterprise Professional Edition

Overview of Fixes/Improvements

  • The size of the dotCMS Cache is greatly reduced
  • CMIS is now faster and more robust. 2.3 connects can server content via CMIS directly to products like Liferay
  • Salesforce can now be used to authenticate similar to LDAP
  • Multiple IE9/IE10 fixes made
  • Roles Manager can now support hundreds of thousands of roles
  • URLMap now respects a passed in language_id and will set the language session to the language you pull
  • MySQL 5.6 now fully supported
  • Date fields now respect patterns YYYY-MM-DD (HH:MM:SS) and can accept an empty date. You can also set to now by default
  • Restful RoleAPI added
  • Rest APIs now support many authentication methods (GET,POST,BASIC,HEADER,SESSION)

Things to Know

  • Velocity has been updated to version 1.7 - the latest released version.  This includes a new 
     #[[don't parse me!  ]]# syntax for escaping large, multiline blocks of velocity code (jquery code anyone?). 
  • The Email Campaign manager and functionality has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Using filters instead of queries for performance (off by default).  You can set the property ELASTICSEARCH_USE_FILTERS_FOR_SEARCHING to true. This should improve the speed of searching for content (at times up to 60%). In 2.3 defaults to false but will be set to true in later versions
  • DOJO has been upgraded to 1.8. As always, we recommend you clear browser cache on upgrade.
  • When using IE versions less then 9 with the dotCMS backend now requires the Google Chrome Frame
  • The new Javadoc is located at
  • To see a full list of the 590+ issues worked on, please on visit our issues on GitHub

dotCMS 2.2.1

Available: Mar 5, 2013

Overview of Fixes

  • The Log Tailer now Supports Absolute Pathing and logs in sub directories. This should help non Tomcat environments
  • Fixed issues with File Systems that do not support Hard Links
  • Fixed the issue with uploading files when your assets live on another volume from the dotCMS
  • Fixed a number of IE9 issues found on the backend of dotCMS
  • Made Workflows more forgiving when a role is deleted
  • Fixed the Photo Gallery Macro
  • Fixed issues with the Binary Field and Front End Forms
  • Fixed issues occuring when uploading multiple files at a time
  • Fixed some issues with the Dashboard
  • Some minor improvements to backend performance

dotCMS 2.2

Available: Oct 9, 2012

Overview of Changes

OSGI/Dynamic Plugin Improvements

  • Dynamic Plugin support has been greatly extended
  • Many more examples are provided under docs/examples/osgi
  • Added support for Servlets, Spring, and Content Hooks
  • Added more controls to Dynamic Plugins. Now you can restart the Framework from the UI without restarting the application

Related Content Improvements

  • You can now select multiple Contents to relate at once
  • When relating Content you can filter by language
  • The Relationship Field UI is much improved when saving content for dotCMS installs with multiple languages

Front End Content Forms

  • Custom Fields are now supported on the Front End of dotCMS Forms and SubmitContent Macro

CMIS Library Update

  • Updated to the latest Chemistry Open CMIS 0.7 libraries
  • RESTful XML/ATOM read write access to content repository

Index Management

  • Added new methods to the Restful API for Index Management providing easier backup/restore functionality
  • Aliases now work and SiteSearch Indicies can now be managed from the API
  • The following methods have been added getIndexName,getIndexStatus,getIndexRecordCount,getNotActiveIndexNames,StopReindexThread, startReindexThread, getReindexThreadStatus

General Backend Enhancements

  • Error Pages - You can now control the logo on the default error pages ie.. 403, 404, 500
  • dotCMS Browser - You can now copy/paste at root level of Host
  • The Drop Old Assets and Fix Asset Inconsistencies are much improved in both performance and functionality

Overview of Fixes/Improvements

  • Permission Performance is greatly improved. This included applying permissions from the Role Manager on All Hosts
  • Reindex Performance is greatly improved. We have seen over 10 times the speed on some installs
  • Upgraded WebDav library and fixed many bugs with WebDav including issues with limited users
  • Fixed issues with Site Search fields not be fully searchable
  • For cluster fixed the issue with teh WEB-INF/binary directory needing to be on the same partition as the Assets directory
  • The Autoupdater uses hardlinks for assets now to help with disk space
  • URL Map Content has much improved multiple language support
  • DOJO has been upgraded to 1.8 for latest Browser support
  • Upgraded Elastic Search to 19.9
  • Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.5.7
  • dotCMS will now respect the URL you are trying to hit when not logged into the backend. So you can go right to the correct tooling/portlet in the backend
  • dotCMS is now fully translated into Chinese, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Russian, and Spanish

Things to Know

dotCMS 2.1.1

Available: Aug 2, 2012

Overview of Changes

  • The logging config now logs Velocity logging to its own file
  • We made a few changes to the stater
  • Solved a cluster issue which could prevent dotCMS from starting in 2.1
  • Fixed a MSSQL permission caching issue

dotCMS 2.0.1

Available: May 21, 2012

Overview of Changes

  • Addresses 2 security concerns with being able to shell in dotCMS via XSLT and from Velocity

dotCMS 2.0

Available: May 2, 2012

Overview of Changes

New Customizable/Extendable Workflow Engine (Enterprise)

  • Allows the creation of multiple, muli-level workflow schemes for content and files.
  • Workflows can trigger customizable chain of sub-actions, called Actionlets. Examples of what can be done with Actionlets include posting a value of a content field to a twitter account on publish or adding or removing a document/piece of content to a SOLR index on publish/unpublish, etc...
  • Different content type can have different workflows.

Files as Content (Community & Enterprise)

  • New file types can be created, fields can be customized on a per filetype basis.
  • URL addressable binary files with all the benefits of being content.
  • CDN friendly pathing to image manipulation with no query strings.
  • Greatly improved Multi-file uploads
  • Workflows can be applied to files based on their content types. So your photo library can have one type of workflow vs. your document library.

Full-Text and Metadata Extraction/Indexing (Enterprise)

  • Metadata/content is extracted from files and is indexed and made searchable, including full-text indexing.  This allows for document management solutions to be created using the dotCMS platform.

ElasticSearch for performance and horizontal scalability (Community & Enterprise)

  • Index Replication/Auto-sharding
  • Index once, available everywhere in clustered installations.
  • Allows index infrastructure to scale separately from dotCMS installation based on an implementation’s need.
  • Index shipping - Indicies can be backed up and restored across instances

Admin Tooling Improvements (Community & Enterprise)

  • The CMS Maintenance UI now has an Index Manager
  • Restful Access to manage dotCMS Indicies

Pessimistic Content Check-in / Checkout (Community & Enterprise)

  • Content can be locked for editing - only the editing user or CMS Administrators can release the lock.

Content Editing UI improvements (Community & Enterprise)

  • Workflows and content locking are integrated into an improved content editing UI.

Key/Value Field Type (Community & Enterprise)

  • Allows a content type an unlimited number of values that can be determined when the content is being entered – think the specifications page for various electronic products in an ecommerce environment.

Data Model/API Improvements (Community & Enterprise)

  • Content state has been moved to a separate table 
  • Identifiers, live and working versions all enforced by referential integrity

Plugin Improvements (Community & Enterprise)

  • There is now a ROOT folder that can be added to plugins which can override ANY file in dotCMS. We recommend using this folder in the com.dotcms.config plugin (./plugins/com.dotcms.config/ROOT) to maintain any local changes to your /bin/startup scripts and tomcat's .xml configuration files.

OSGI Implemented(BETA) (Community & Enterprise)

  • You can now HOT deploy Viewtools, Actionlets(Custom Workflow Actions) and other OSGI packages via OSGI without restarting your dotCMS installation.
  • Initial beta of OSGI UI Portlet and Tooling

Spring 3 MVC Support (Community & Enterprise)

  • dotCMS 2.0 ships with a Spring 3 View and View Resolver. This means that developers looking to implement controller logic in their CMS or content driven apps can use Spring MVC to implement their functionality in dotCMS. For more information, see this blog post.

Autoupdater (Community & Enterprise)

  • The Auto Updater is improved and provides an easier folder structure to support updating
  • Post 2.0 you will be able to download updates directly and use the Auto Updater to patch

Velocity Logging Improvements (Community & Enterprise)

  • You can now see a stacktrace of templates for velocity errors

Things to Know

  • 2.0 is a MANUAL upgrade from the 1.9 series; the 1.9 Auto Updater cannot be used to perform the upgrade.
  • The Nutch based site search functionality has been removed because of library conflicts with the new Elastic Search libraries. For our Enterprise customers, there will be a much improved site search in the next release (already working in the lastest code in GitHub). For smaller sites and community members, we recommend using a hosted search provider such as Google Site Search, or setting up a standalone modern Nutch/Solr implementation and integrating with that.
  • Lucene based content pulls and ordering
    The new elastic search lucene implementation is much less forgiving about the "order by" clause in content pulls. If you do not see results for content pulls in your velocity code, make sure your order by clause has the structure name . the field name, e.g. "news.publishDate desc" rather than just "publishDate". When in doubt, try using the "moddate" to test that your lucene pulls are working.
  • Category Groups have been removed
    We no longer support the long-depricated idea of "Category Groups". Categories are obviously still supported.
  • The ZIP distibution of dotCMS is now packaged differently to work with the new Auto Updater. You now have a ./dotserver directory which is the dotCMS itself and a ./autoupdater directory.
    In addition to these directories, ./backups from the Auto Updater will be stored at the same level as the ./dotserver directory. You can clean these backups as you need/desire to.
  • There is no need to touch any file under the ./dotserver directory to config dotCMS. Use the new plugin /ROOT directory for your startup and tomcat config files and you can maintain them separate from dotCMS across version updates.

For information on how to upgrade to dotCMS 2.0 please review our documentation: Upgrading to dotCMS 2.0

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